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24 August 2019

Screen video capture with ffmpeg and secure transfer over the network

Unix creators set up a design philosophy based around simplicity : specific pieces of software should be built to do one thing and do that one thing well. I wanted to toy around ffmpeg and netcat on my free time, and came up with a train pipe that stream the output of the screen, compress it, and encrypt it with Rijndael cypher, its like AES but with 256bit block instead (Yes Iā€™m extremely paranoid), and finally send it over the network with netcat. Each block will be explained separately then reassembled at the end.

1- The screen capture is performed with fmpeg and stream read with ffplay.

ffmpeg -video_size 1366x768 -framerate 60 -f x11grab -i :0 -f avi - | ffplay -

NB: The ā€œ-ā€ symbol replace a file in general, and instead of I/O on a file, it does it on pipe.

2- Compression is done with the classic gzip.

echo "Compression and decompression with gzip" | gzip | gzip -d  

3- ccrypt is doing the encryption here.

echo "Attack at dawn." | ccrypt -efK ZakChebIsTheKey | ccrypt -dfK ZakChebIsTheKey

NB: Of course, never use plain text keys on prod, just for demonstration purposes.

4- netcat finally which just opens a socket connection.

echo "Knock Knock" | sudo nc -lvvp 8000 

nc localhost 8000

Thats how you capture video with ffmpeg and secure transfer over the network with just unix commands.


sudo ffmpeg -video_size 1366x768 -framerate 60 -f x11grab -i :0 -f avi - \
| gzip | ccrypt -vefK ZakCheb | nc -lvvp 8000


nc localhost 8000 | ccrypt -vdfK ZakCheb | gzip -d | ffplay -i - 